Sunday, January 6, 2013

follow your joy

A lot of us are confused in searching for a path to walk on in this earthly adventure. There were just too much directions (from people around us) to follow. They will suggest that this path have the best view, that one will give you the most money, the other one will make you famous, or don't follow that road, you'll be poor and hungry. And being an inexperience wanderer, we got confused.

So far, I found out that the best advice is simply: follow your joy.

Do what you love. Find the activity that gives you joy. That great delight and pleasure that comes from doing what you do will be the fuel that propel you forward to the path that gives you more joy. It will be your source of strength too in facing each challenge that you find along the way. Follow your bliss, follow your joy, follow your heart, find your own path, and you will have a healthy dose of daily joy along the way.

Download the free 8 x 10 inches printable here (please do a right click and save as).

1 comment:

  1. Loved your work, really inspiring! :)

    “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Frederick Buechner
