Friday, August 13, 2010

IF: Caged

I've been wanting to participate on IF since forever, but used to feel not having enough time/courage to do it. I pushed myself to do it now. :) I hope I am not late yet.

So, here's my take for Caged.

I have been listening to people saying that I could not do a lot of things to make a living, that I should follow the paths that have been prepared or the paths that have been opened by opportunities. I ended up not knowing what I wanted to study after high school and eagerly took the chance to study Engineering abroad. Well, it turned out that even though Engineering brought me good money, it was not something that I loved to do daily. I felt caged.

Then I found out that the cage actually lies inside my head. I was seeing the world through my 'caged' glasses. I only need to remove that glasses, there was nothing that caged me in reality.

The first time I flew off the cage, it felt scary. Can I find food for tomorrow? Will I live? Am I safe? All those questions filled up my mind and my heart trembled with fear and excitement of freedom. I am still in my journey of finding my true self now, exploring of what I really love to do daily. Wish me luck! :)


  1. This is great Vivera! Great character and cool texture. I'm glad you got up the energy and found enough time to post! Love your paragraphs about your struggles. Great idea! We all have things we should do, things we could do and things we were created to do. Sometimes the lines are fuzzy but if we just do it, we will find it. God bless.

  2. Thanks a lot for your encouragement, Mr. Foster! :) You made my day! :D God bless you too.

  3. Good luck and great work, great style. Thanks for sharing i totally relate. Can't wait to see more creative stuff from you.

  4. I love your illustration! I'm so happy for you that you're finally doing what you really want to. I know what it's like to feel caged and uncertain, so I appreciate your efforts. It's also very encouraging to me to see your art.
