Thursday, January 20, 2011

taste so sweet

I got my 100th sale last January 15th. The reality of being able to earn some money while doing the thing I love hit me hard this month. I was stubborn enough to quit my engineering job in Singapore (with good pay) and chose to stay home with the kids, earning nothing, for years. While I did have the dreams of working on something that I love from home, with the kids, I was often uncertain of the possibility that it could be done soon. Faith keep me going, and my husband provides his constant support... and here I am. While I'm not earning as much as other wonderful sellers in Etsy, I have earned something. The most valuable were the wonderful heartwarming feedback I got from my customers. I've gone farther than I used to dream of going. I am thankful for that.

I've been sleeping a lot less nowadays, but I've been feeling a lot happier too.

Go for your dream. If you can dream it, you can do it. :)

{Check my shop for print or clip art of the image above.}


  1. Wonderful works and family! You have lots and lots of treasures and talents! *myeyesarefilledwithappytears*

  2. Congrats!!! Love this print and will be sure to use it in one of my future treasuries!

    Take care and be blessed!!


  3. So sweet Fei.... *hiks hiks*
    As I said before, you've been an inspiration for me. Never even try to dream I could earn decent enough income from things I love.
    Week ago, hubby brought home a Macbook Pro! A gift for me, he said, to do your design work. Yeah, that's how he showed his support. So, I pack my suitcase, try to pick up the pieces of my once shattered dream.
    Thank you for your spirit. It was really contagious. ;)
