Thursday, January 20, 2011

taste so sweet

I got my 100th sale last January 15th. The reality of being able to earn some money while doing the thing I love hit me hard this month. I was stubborn enough to quit my engineering job in Singapore (with good pay) and chose to stay home with the kids, earning nothing, for years. While I did have the dreams of working on something that I love from home, with the kids, I was often uncertain of the possibility that it could be done soon. Faith keep me going, and my husband provides his constant support... and here I am. While I'm not earning as much as other wonderful sellers in Etsy, I have earned something. The most valuable were the wonderful heartwarming feedback I got from my customers. I've gone farther than I used to dream of going. I am thankful for that.

I've been sleeping a lot less nowadays, but I've been feeling a lot happier too.

Go for your dream. If you can dream it, you can do it. :)

{Check my shop for print or clip art of the image above.}

2010 to 2011

Happy New Year to all who read this! :)

I am writing this about three hours before the new year start in West Indonesia. 2010 has been quite an amazing year for me. This year I got to watch my stubborn little princess to turn from one to two, getting chattier by the month. And my boy grew taller (and less chubby) into a four and a half year old boy. My! I couldn't believe he will turn FIVE next June.

I started my Etsy shop in March, got my first sale ever a few days later. And only managed to have the next sale in October (that was like... seven month later!). So after that one sale in March, I had two sales in October, three in November, and... five in December? Nah, I had a total of 45 sales now, so that's 39 sales in December. I am so grateful, and any of you who read this has been (or hopefully, still is) my customer, I want to say a huge THANK YOU for purchasing my art. I've gone through quite a lot of 'down' times this year, and every sale has been a tremendous encouragement for me to move on.

I plan to write more next year (that's starting tomorrow, ehm), but not very sure if I can because my priority would still be filling up the shop and attending to all my dear customers. And I just lose my part-time assistant (who help out with the housechores) today. So yeah, looks like I need to be realistic. I will try to share what I has learned during my journey along the way, but... yeah, I'll just take it one step at a time.

Thank you for reading this. Thank you for visiting the shop. Thank you for believing in my art and in me. I wish you all the very best in your journey next year. Happy New Year!