Friday, August 20, 2010

IF: Star gazing

I don't think I can finish this piece in time for IF, so pardon me to upload it just as it is. It was done with watercolor, but because I could not be neat, I kept on having a hard time with the stars and the dark background. So I re-painted the components in different papers and scanned them and stitched them together in photoshop. Kind of cheating, uh?

While doing the piece and struggled with mothering activities and house chores, I had some thought about being a star. 

The Sun is just one star among the billions other stars in the Universe [according to Wikipedia, our galaxy, the Milky Way,  is estimated to contain at least 200 billion stars and possibly up to 400 billion stars. And our galaxy is one of billions galaxies in the observable universe.] He is not the biggest, nor the brightest, not even the most beautiful star. He is not the tiniest, not the palest, he is kind of mediocre (compared to other stars). But of course we won't say that our Sun is mediocre! The Sun is the most important star for us. All living beings on Earth depend on the Sun to live. We don't care about his rank in the stars ranking system, the Sun means everything for us.

Being a wannabe artist, I often browsed through many many many wonderful blogs by talented artist (crafters, illustrators, knitters, etc.) and wished that I could be more like them. I want to shine brighter and be a prettier star in the universe.

But then I realized that if the Sun shines brighter, the Earth could get hotter. Likewise, if the Sun shines slightly less, the Earth could get colder. Earthlings would suffer if the Sun changes his brightness.

I am the Sun and I have my own solar system. I might be only one small star out of hundred billions other stars in the galaxies. But I am an important Sun for my family. I need to know my solar system and shine accordingly. I don't have to be the brightest, or the prettiest star out there. I just need to be the best star for my own solar system.

What do you think?

Friday, August 13, 2010

IF: Caged

I've been wanting to participate on IF since forever, but used to feel not having enough time/courage to do it. I pushed myself to do it now. :) I hope I am not late yet.

So, here's my take for Caged.

I have been listening to people saying that I could not do a lot of things to make a living, that I should follow the paths that have been prepared or the paths that have been opened by opportunities. I ended up not knowing what I wanted to study after high school and eagerly took the chance to study Engineering abroad. Well, it turned out that even though Engineering brought me good money, it was not something that I loved to do daily. I felt caged.

Then I found out that the cage actually lies inside my head. I was seeing the world through my 'caged' glasses. I only need to remove that glasses, there was nothing that caged me in reality.

The first time I flew off the cage, it felt scary. Can I find food for tomorrow? Will I live? Am I safe? All those questions filled up my mind and my heart trembled with fear and excitement of freedom. I am still in my journey of finding my true self now, exploring of what I really love to do daily. Wish me luck! :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

beautiful ritual

I always love reading the inspiring soulemama blog. Then yesterday, her writing tugged my heart's string once more in this post.